Ginger Chai (Tea)

As flu season approaches, I would like to recommend drinking this medicinal tea which boosts your immune system and can help combat the infection. Start by putting one cup of water in a pan on a high flame. Use a mortar and pestle to crush one pod of cardamom and add it to the water. Add 2 cloves and crush approximately 1 inch of ginger and add it to the water. Then add 2 black peppercorns and a 1/4-inch cinnamon stick to the water. Bring this mixture to a boil and then add 1 teabag of your choosing (I used 1 1/4 teaspoon of Brooke Bond Red Label Loose Leaf Black Tea which is readily available at a local Indian grocery store). Add sugar to taste. Boil this mixture on low to medium flame for approximately 3 minutes stirring the tea occasionally and ensuring that it does not bubble out of the pan. After 3 minutes, add milk till a caramel color is achieved. Enjoy!

Nota Bene: It is best to add milk which is at room temperature as it enhances the flavor of the tea. Adding cold milk to hot tea can sometimes form an unappetizing film of oil on the surface of the tea.


Poke Bowls


Thanksgiving Special- Succotash