Thanksgiving Special- Succotash

Succotash is derived from the Narragansett Indian word msickquatash. It translates to boiled corn kernels, but modern versions of Succotash also include equal portions of lima beans and corn. I used half a pound of frozen lima beans and half a pound of frozen corn. Take 3 tablespoons of butter and heat it in a pan. Add the corn, lima beans, and salt and pepper to taste.

Optional- 1/2 a cup of half-and-half.

Cook on medium flame until the lima beans are tender(approximately 5-7 minutes); garnish with a few chives. Succotash remains a Thanksgiving staple throughout New England and the Northeast corridor. I hope you get a chance to try this wonderful dish!

Nota Bene: Corn and lima beans both have a low glycemic index, indicating that they will raise your blood glucose levels but will not spike them. This is greatly beneficial for diabetics or anyone who is monitoring their blood sugar levels.


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