It is hard for me to keep up with the new diet trends that come up ever so often. My personal favorite is the Mediterranean diet with emphasis on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seafood, nuts, and seeds. After all this is what we learned growing up in elementary school- the food pyramid.

The uniqueness of food in Spain with its vibrant flavors makes it a truly exceptional gastronomic experience. Spaniards have a cuisine that has evolved over centuries dating back to the Phoenicians and further contributed by other occupants- The Romans, Greek, and the Moors. The Moors were the last to occupy from across the Mediterranean sea, about 800 years ago. What is even more interesting is the manner in which the food is consumed. Breakfast is the least important meal of the day and is quick and on the go. Lunch is the most elaborate meal, both in the assortment of the dishes as well as the time spent consuming them. Contrary to what the Doctor says about eating the last meal of the day sooner rather than later, Spaniards usually eat dinner after 9pm! This is by choice, since it is their time to relax, catch up with family and friends after a long day of work, and eat. The portions are usually bite size, either tapas (small plates of food) or pintxos (food attached with toothpicks).

The incidence of heart disease in Spain is quite low. Average life expectancy of Spaniards is around 85 years. This is largely attributed to the Mediterranean diet, which is the staple of the region. The health benefits are numerous and the results speak for themselves. Using olive oil as opposed to other forms of cooking oil, consuming fresh fruits and vegetables daily, and eating foods low in saturated fats are some of the things that contribute to a more healthy lifestyle. No wonder Spain is on the path to beat Japan at the longest life expectancy in the world by 2040!


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